Credit Analysis Reports
Displaying 51-60 of 2524 results.
Popularity: 874 views 11 downloads
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its public information sovereign rating of AAA/Stable on the People’s Republic of China (China), based on its national rating scale.  RationaleThe rating reflects the country’s credit strengths, including its large, diversified, and internationally competitive economy. China has become a leading manufactur...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 823 views 24 downloads
Rating action         MARC Ratings has affirmed its rating of AA-IS on Grand Sepadu (NK) Sdn Bhd’s (Grand Sepadu) RM210.0 million Sukuk Murabahah. Concurrently, the rating outlook has been revised to positive from stable. As of end-May 2024, the outstanding balance of the sukuk stood at RM60.0 million.     Rationale     The outlook revision ...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 856 views 66 downloads
Rating action               MARC Ratings has affirmed its rating of AAAIS on TNB Western Energy Berhad’s (TNB Western) outstanding RM3.7 billion sukuk with a stable outlook. TNB Western is the funding vehicle for TNB Manjung Five Sdn Bhd, a 100% indirect subsidiary of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). TNB Manjung Five operates and maintains a 1,000MW...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 882 views 25 downloads
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its AAAIS(bg) rating on Ranhill Sabah Energy II Sdn Bhd’s (RSEII) (formerly known as Ranhill Powertron II Sdn Bhd) outstanding RM300.0 million Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme guaranteed by Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB). The rating outlook is stable.RationaleThe rating affirmation reflects the unco...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Summary          Malaysia’s 1Q2024 gross domestic product (GDP) expanded to 4.2%, higher than the advanced estimate of 3.9% (4Q2023: 3.0%) on the faster expansion in the services sectors at 4.7% (advanced estimate: 4.4%, 4Q2023: 4.1%). The manufacturing sector registered a 1.9% rebound after two quarters of contraction, while growth in the construction sector accele...

Normal Price: RM300.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1071 views 66 downloads
Rating action                 MARC Ratings has affirmed its AA-IS rating on ANIH Berhad’s RM2.5 billion Senior Sukuk Musharakah Programme and revised its outlook to stable from negative. The previous negative outlook was due to uncertainty surrounding the timing of Unit Kerjasama Awam Swasta’s (UKAS) approval on ANIH’s shareholding structure....

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 925 views 36 downloads
Rating action           MARC Ratings has revised its outlook on Tropicana Corporation Berhad’s rated programmes to stable from negative. Concurrently, the ratings on the programmes, the RM1.5 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) (Sukuk Wakalah) and RM2.0 billion Perpetual Sukuk, have been affirmed at AIS and A-IS.RationaleThe outlook revision considers the impro...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its A+IS(s) and AAAIS(bg) ratings on Projek Lintasan Sungai Besi – Ulu Klang Sdn Bhd’s (PLSUKE) Sukuk Wakalah Programme of up to RM2.0 billion and Bank-Guaranteed Facilities of up to RM500.0 million. The latter is guaranteed by Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB) which carries a financial institution rating of A...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 956 views 40 downloads
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its AA-IS rating on Konsortium KAJV Sdn Bhd’s (KAJV) RM1.0 billion Sukuk Wakalah Programme with a stable outlook.Rationale       The rating affirmation reflects the credit strength of the Terengganu state government to meet its payment obligations due on the Facility Payment Certificates (FPC) it i...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1147 views 44 downloads
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its AA-IS rating on Farm Fresh Berhad’s Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme of RM1.0 billion under the Shariah principle of Wakalah Bi Al-Istithmar. The rating outlook is stable. The outstanding under the rated programme stood at RM300.0 million as at end-April 2024.RationaleThe rating affirmation is driven by ...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download