Credit Analysis Reports - Top 5 By: Download
Total 5 results.
Popularity: 7649 views 423 downloads
MARC has assigned a final rating of AAAIS to Projek Lebuhraya Usahasama Berhad's (PLUS Berhad) proposed RM23.35 billion Sukuk Musharakah Programme under which the company is to issue senior secured sukuk. The rating outlook is stable.PLUS Berhad is a wholly owned subsidiary of PLUS Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PLUS Malaysia), a 51:49 joint-venture company incorporated by UEM Group Berhad and Employees Provid...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 2306 views 371 downloads
MARC has assigned ratings of MARC-1IS and AA-IS to port operator Northport (Malaysia) Bhd’s (NMB) Islamic Commercial Papers (ICP) Programme and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme respectively (collectively known as Sukuk Musharakah Programmes) with a joint limit of up to RM1.5 billion. The outlook on the ratings is stable. The ratings incorporate NMB’s strategic importance as o...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 3406 views 349 downloads
MARC has assigned long-term and short-term programme ratings of AA-IS and MARC-1IS respectively to Malakoff Power Bhd’s (MPower) RM5.6 billion Murabahah Securities Facility and RM300.0 million Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) Programme (collectively referred as Sukuk Murabahah Facility). The outlook on the ratings is stable.MPower is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Ma...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 2298 views 331 downloads
MARC has downgraded Quantum Solar Park (Semenanjung) Sdn Bhd’s (QSP Semenanjung) RM1.0 billion Green SRI Sukuk rating to A+IS from AA-IS/Negative and concurrently placed the rating on MARCWatch Negative. The rating action reflects the heightened risk of termination of solar power purchase agreements (SPPAs) related to QSP Semenanjung’s Merchang and Jasin solar power plant projects follo...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 965 views 317 downloads
Rating action     MARC has downgraded its ratings on MEX II Sdn Bhd’s RM1.3 billion Sukuk Murabahah Programme to BBIS from BBBIS, and RM150.0 million Junior Bonds to B from BB. The ratings remain on MARCWatch Negative.The rating of the Junior Bonds is three notches below the Sukuk Murabahah Programme’s rating, reflecting MARC’s notching policy on subordinated instruments in th...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download