Press Releases - Category: Primary CLO
Displaying 1-10 of 44 results.
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012
MARC has downgraded its rating on Prima Uno Berhad’s (Prima Uno) RM335 million Super Senior B primary collateralised loan obligation (CLO) bonds to D from A-. Furthermore, the C ratings on the remaining classes of RM190 million Senior, RM40 million Mezzanine and RM95 million Subordinated CLO bonds have been downgraded to D. At the same time, MARC has removed its AAA rating for the RM290 mill...

This article has been viewed 1816 times.
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2011
MARC has downgraded its ratings on the RM335 million Super Senior B and RM190 million Senior primary collateralised loan obligation bonds issued by Prima Uno Berhad (Prima Uno) to A- and C from AA+ and BB respectively. At the same time, MARC affirms the ratings of the remaining classes at AAA for the RM290 million Super Senior A bonds and C for both the RM40 million Mezzanine and RM95 million Subo...

This article has been viewed 1605 times.
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010
MARC has downgraded the long-term rating of CapOne Berhad’s (CapOne) secured RM600 million Super Senior Class A-1 bonds to D from AA+. At the same time, the C ratings on the RM250 million Senior Class A-2, RM50 million Mezzanine Class B and the RM100 million subordinated bonds have also been downgraded to D. CapOne, a bankruptcy remote special purpose company, was established to implement th...

This article has been viewed 1679 times.
Friday, Aug 06, 2010
MARC has lowered its rating on Prima Uno Berhad’s (Prima Uno) RM335 million Super Senior B, RM190 million Senior and RM40 million Mezzanine bonds to AA+, BB and C from AAA, A- and B respectively. At the same time, the AAA rating on the RM290 million Super Senior A and the C rating on the RM95 million Subordinated bonds are affirmed. The rating outlook on Super Senior A, Super Senior B and Se...

This article has been viewed 1801 times.
Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010
MARC lowered its rating on CapOne Berhad’s (CapOne) RM250 million Senior Class A-2 bonds to C from B. At the same time, the AA+ rating on the RM600 million Super Senior Class A-1 and the C rating on the RM50 million Mezzanine and RM100 million Subordinated bonds are affirmed. The outlook remains negative. The downgrade of Class A-2 bonds is premised on collateral deterioration following two ...

This article has been viewed 1680 times.
Friday, Mar 19, 2010
MARC has affirmed its ratings of Prima Uno Berhad’s (Prima Uno) RM290 million Super Senior A and RM335 million Super Senior B bonds at AAA, respectively with a stable outlook. Concurrently, the ratings for the RM190 million Senior, RM40 million Mezzanine and RM95 million Subordinated bonds have been downgraded to A-, B and C from AAA, AA and BB- respectively, with a negative outlook. The aff...

This article has been viewed 1783 times.
Wednesday, Dec 16, 2009
MARC has downgraded the ratings of CapOne Berhad’s (CapOne) RM600 million Super Senior Class A-1 and RM250 million Senior Class A-2 bonds to AA+ and B from AAA and BB respectively and affirmed its RM50 million Mezzanine Class B and RM100 million Subordinated bonds at C. Both of the downgraded classes carry a negative outlook. The downgrades reflect the continued credit deterioration of the u...

This article has been viewed 1763 times.
Monday, Jun 15, 2009
MARC has downgraded the rating of Kerisma Berhad’s (Kerisma) RM100.0 million subordinated bonds to D from C to reflect Kerisma’s failure to make payment of principal on the RM100.0 million subordinated bonds on its maturity date, June 10, 2009.Kerisma had earlier defaulted on its RM870.0 million senior secured bonds and RM30.0 million mezzanine bonds due on June 3, 2009, of which only ...

This article has been viewed 2246 times.
Monday, Jun 15, 2009
MARC has downgraded the rating of CapOne Berhad’s (CapOne) RM250.0 million Senior Class A-2 bonds to BB from BBB+; and affirmed the ratings of RM600.0 million Super Senior Class A-1 bonds, RM50 million Mezzanine Class B bonds and RM100.0 million subordinated secured bonds at AAA, C and C respectively. Concurrently, MARC has revised its outlook on the Super Senior Class A-1 to negative from s...

This article has been viewed 1623 times.
Thursday, Jun 04, 2009
MARC has downgraded the long term ratings of Kerisma Berhad’s (Kerisma) RM870.0 million senior secured bonds and RM30.0 million mezzanine bonds from B to D and from C to D, respectively. The downgrade of the rating on the senior secured bonds reflect the failure to make full payment of outstanding principal on the senior secured bonds on the original scheduled maturity date of June 3, 2009.&...

This article has been viewed 1941 times.