Displaying 1-10 of 91 results.
MARC Ratings has affirmed its AAAIS and AAA ratings on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuance (CMBS 2007-1-i) and fixed rate serial bonds (CMBS 2005-2; CMBS 2007-2). The outlook on all ratings is stable. Cagamas MBS was established to undertake the securitisation of government staff housing loans/financings. The affirmed ratings and outlook reflect the fully cash-collat...
This article has been viewed 644 times.
MARC Ratings has affirmed its AAAIS and AAA ratings on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuance (CMBS 2007-1-i) and fixed rate serial bonds issuances (CMBS 2005-2; CMBS 2007-2). The outlook on all ratings is stable. Cagamas MBS was established to undertake the securitisation of conventional and Islamic home financing originated by the Malaysian government. The affirmed ra...
This article has been viewed 525 times.
MARC Ratings has withdrawn its rating of AAA/Stable on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s Tranche 6 under the RM2,410.0 million asset-backed Fixed Rate Serial Bonds (CMBS 2007-2). The rating withdrawal follows the full redemption of the outstanding RM250.0 million under Tranche 6 as confirmed by the facility agent. The rating agency’s analytical coverage on CMBS 2007-2 is now limited to the outstanding...
This article has been viewed 588 times.
MARC Ratings has withdrawn its rating of AAAIS/Stable on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s Tranche 6 under the RM2,110.0 million asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuance (CMBS 2007-1-i). The rating withdrawal follows the full redemption of the outstanding RM320.0 million under Tranche 6 as confirmed by the facility agent. The rating agency’s analytical coverage on CMBS 2007-1-i is now limited to the out...
This article has been viewed 661 times.
MARC Ratings has affirmed its AAAIS and AAA ratings on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuance (CMBS 2007-1-i) and fixed rate serial bonds issuances (CMBS 2005-2; CMBS 2007-2). The outlook on all ratings is stable. Cagamas MBS was established to undertake the securitisation of conventional and Islamic home financing originated by the Malaysian government. The affirmed ra...
This article has been viewed 712 times.
MARC has affirmed its AAAIS and AAA ratings on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s (Cagamas MBS) asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuances (CMBS 2007-1-i) and fixed rate serial bonds issuances (CMBS 2005-2; CMBS 2007-2). The outlook on all ratings is stable. Cagamas MBS is a wholly-owned special purpose vehicle of Cagamas Holdings Berhad and was established to undertake the securitisation of conventional an...
This article has been viewed 872 times.
MARC has withdrawn its AAA rating on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s RM385.0 million Tranche 6 issued under the RM2,060.0 million asset-backed fixed rate serial bonds (CMBS 2005-2). The rating withdrawal follows the full redemption of the tranche as confirmed by the facility agent.MARC’s analytical coverage on CMBS 2005-2 is now limited to the outstanding RM265.0 million under the remaining tranche of th...
This article has been viewed 883 times.
MARC has withdrawn its AAAIS rating on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah of RM2,050.0 million (CMBS 2005-1). The rating withdrawal follows the full redemption of the final tranche (Series 6) of the RM400.0 million sukuk issued under CMBS 2005-1 and cancellation of the facility which was confirmed by the facility agent.MARC’s analytical coverage on Cagamas MBS is now limited to...
This article has been viewed 879 times.
MARC has affirmed its ratings on national mortgage corporation Cagamas Berhad’s bonds and sukuk issues as follows: • Conventional and Islamic Commercial Papers (CP/ICP) programmes with a combined aggregate limit of RM20.0 billion at MARC-1/ MARC-1IS ; and• Conventional and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (MTN/IMTN) programmes of up to RM6...
This article has been viewed 973 times.
MARC has affirmed its AAAIS and AAA ratings on Cagamas MBS Berhad’s (Cagamas MBS) asset-backed Sukuk Musyarakah issuances (CMBS 2005-1; CMBS 2007-1-i) and fixed rate serial bonds issuances (CMBS 2005-2; CMBS 2007-2). The outlook on all ratings are stable. Cagamas MBS is a wholly-owned special purpose vehicle of Cagamas Holdings Berhad and was established to undertake the securitisation of c...
This article has been viewed 961 times.