Press Releases - Category: Industrial Products
Displaying 71-80 of 388 results.
Friday, Jul 05, 2013
MARC has downgraded its rating on Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd’s (Perwaja) RM400.0 million Murabahah Medium Term Notes (MMTN) programme to BBID from BBB-ID. In addition, the rating remains on MARCWatch Negative where it was placed on April 17, 2013. The rating downgrade and MARCWatch Negative placement reflects near-term liquidity concerns, poor operating performance and a significantly weaker fina...

This article has been viewed 1685 times.
Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013
MARC has downgraded its rating on Press Metal Berhad’s (Press Metal) outstanding RM317.5 million Redeemable Convertible Secured Loan Stocks (RCSLS) with detachable warrants from A- to BBB. Concurrently, the rating has been placed on MARCWatch Negative pending greater clarity on the credit impact from the unexpected shutdown of Press Metal’s aluminium smelting plant in Mukah, Sarawak, d...

This article has been viewed 1607 times.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
MARC has downgraded its ratings on Kinsteel Berhad’s (Kinsteel) RM100.0 million Murabahah Commercial Papers/Medium Term Notes (CP/MTN) Programme and RM100.0 million Murabahah Medium Term Notes (MTN) Programme to MARC-3ID/BBBID and BBBID from MARC-2ID/A-ID and A-ID respectively. Concurrently, MARC has removed the ratings from MARCWatch Negative where it had been placed on April 17, 2013. The ...

This article has been viewed 1634 times.
Monday, Apr 29, 2013
MARC has removed its A+ID and MARC-1ID ratings on KNM Group Berhad’s (KNM Group) RM1.1 billion Islamic Medium Term Notes (IMTN) programme and RM400 million Islamic Commercial Papers (ICP) programme (collectively referred to as the Sukuk programme) from MARCWatch Negative and withdrawn the ratings. This action follows the lapse of the Securities Commission’s approval to extend the propo...

This article has been viewed 1330 times.
Thursday, Apr 25, 2013
Today MARC placed its short term and long term debt ratings of MARC-1ID and A+ID ratings on the KNM Group Berhad (KNM Group or KNM) and KNM Capital Sdn Bhd (KNM Capital) on MARCWatch Negative to highlight event risk concerns arising from the winding up petition that was recently served on KNM Group's material subsidiary, KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd (KNM Process). KNM Process is defined as a materi...

This article has been viewed 1473 times.
Wednesday, Apr 17, 2013
MARC has lowered its rating on Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd’s (Perwaja) RM400.0 million Murabahah Medium Term Notes (MMTN) programme to BBB-ID from A-ID. Concurrently, MARC has placed the rating on MARCWatch Negative. The rating actions affect RM110.0 million of current outstanding notes. The rating downgrade reflects the steelmaker’s weak financial risk profile arising from the prolonged cha...

This article has been viewed 1494 times.
Wednesday, Apr 17, 2013
MARC has placed its ratings of MARC-2ID/A-ID and A-ID on Kinsteel Berhad’s (Kinsteel) RM100.0 million Murabahah Commercial Papers/Medium Term Notes Programme (CP/MTN) and RM100.0 million Murabahah Medium Term Notes (MTN) Programme respectively on MARCWatch Negative. The rating action reflects MARC’s concerns on the group’s weak operating performance which would exert pressure on ...

This article has been viewed 1543 times.
Tuesday, Feb 26, 2013
MARC has affirmed the ratings of ABS Logistics Berhad’s (ALB) Senior Sukuk Ijarah comprising RM100.0 million of Class A, RM20.0 million of Class B and RM40.0 million of Class C sukuk at AAAIS, AAIS and AAAIS(bg) respectively. The rating action affects the outstanding amounts under the respective classes of RM75.0 million, RM20.0 million and RM40.0 million. The outlook on the ratings for Clas...

This article has been viewed 1437 times.
Monday, Dec 31, 2012
MARC has withdrawn its MARC-3ID /BBBID ratings on Boon Koon Group Bhd’s (BKGB) RM100 million Islamic Commercial Paper/Islamic Medium Term Notes (ICP/IMTN) Programme. Following the full redemption and cancellation of the facility on December 7, 2012, MARC will no longer provide analytical coverage on the issuer upon withdrawal of the aforementioned ratings.Contact: Sharidan Salleh, +603-2082 ...

This article has been viewed 1066 times.
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012
MARC has affirmed the short-term and long-term ratings at MARC-1ID and A+ID and revised the outlook of the ratings to negative from developing for the following rated programmes/issuers:RM300.0 million Murabahah Underwritten Notes Issuance Facility (MUNIF)/Islamic Medium Term Notes (IMTN) Programme of KNM Capital Sdn Bhd (KNM Capital);RM400.0 million Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) Programme of KNM...

This article has been viewed 1436 times.