Credit Analysis Reports
Displaying 1-10 of 14 results.
Popularity: 319 views 67 downloads
Rating action          MARC Ratings has affirmed its financial institution (FI) rating of AAA on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB). The rating agency has concurrently affirmed its AAAIS rating on BPMB’s RM5.0 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme. The outlook on both ratings is stable. RationaleThe affirmed ratings continue to incorporate MAR...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1025 views 104 downloads
Rating action     MARC Ratings has affirmed its financial institution (FI) rating of AAA on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB). Concurrently, the rating agency has also affirmed its rating of AAAIS on the developmental financial institution’s (DFI) RM5.0 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) programme. The outlook on all ratings is stable.Rationale     BPMBâ...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 700 views 78 downloads
Rating action     MARC has affirmed Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad’s (Bank Pembangunan) financial institution (FI) rating of AAA. Concurrently, the rating agency has also affirmed its rating of AAAIS on the bank’s RM5.0 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme. The outlook on all ratings is stable. RationaleBank Pembangunan’s status as a wholly government-owne...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1423 views 99 downloads
MARC has affirmed Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad’s (Bank Pembangunan) financial institution (FI) rating at AAA. Concurrently, the rating agency has assigned its rating of AAAIS to Bank Pembangunan’s RM5.0 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes Programme (IMTN) Programme. The ratings carry a stable outlook. Bank Pembangunan’s status as a wholly government-owned development financial institu...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1358 views 79 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institution (FI) rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (Bank Pembangunan). The rating carries a stable outlook. The FI rating is solely premised on Bank Pembangunan’s status as a wholly government-owned development financial institution (DFI) which was incorporated to extend loans and financial support to specific industries promoted by the governme...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1609 views 37 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institution (FI) rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (Bank Pembangunan). Concurrently, its ratings on the bank’s Islamic/Conventional Commercial Papers (CP) Programme of up to RM2.0 billion were affirmed at MARC-1IS/MARC-1. The ratings carry a stable outlook. The affirmed FI rating is premised on Bank Pembangunan’s status as a wholly government-...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1751 views 3 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institution (FI) rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (Bank Pembangunan). Concurrently, the rating agency affirmed its MARC-1IS/MARC-1 programme ratings on the bank’s Islamic/Conventional Commercial Papers (CP) Programme of up to RM2.0 billion. The ratings carry a stable outlook. The affirmed FI rating is based on MARC’s assessment of high govern...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1887 views 4 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institution rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (Bank Pembangunan) and MARC-1ID / MARC-1 programme ratings on the bank’s Islamic and/or Conventional Commercial Papers (CP) Programme of up to RM2.0 billion with a stable outlook. The ratings are premised on the high support uplift from the Malaysian government to Bank Pembangunan’s standalone cred...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1897 views 107 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institution rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (Bank Pembangunan) and MARC-1ID / MARC-1 programme ratings on the bank’s Islamic and/or Conventional Commercial Papers (CP) Programme of up to RM2.0 billion with a stable outlook.  The ratings reflect the support from the Government of Malaysia to Bank Pembangunan stemming from the bank’s st...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 2036 views 63 downloads
MARC has affirmed its AAA financial institutions rating on Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB).  MARC has also affirmed its MARC-1ID / MARC-1 programme ratings on BPMB’s Islamic and/or Conventional Commercial Papers (CP) Programme of up to RM2.0 billion with a stable outlook.  The ratings reflect support from the Government of Malaysia on account of BPMB’s status as a who...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download