Credit Analysis Reports
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Popularity: 1953 views 74 downloads
MARC has lowered Dawama Sdn Bhd’s (Dawama) RM120.0 million Senior and RM20.0 million Junior Sukuk Musyarakah Medium Term Notes Programme (Sukuk) to AIS and A-IS respectively from A+IS and AIS. The outlook for the rating has been revised to negative from stable. The rating actions are premised on Dawama’s weakened credit profile stemming from significant losses for the 17-month accounti...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1828 views 50 downloads
MARC has assigned ratings of A+IS for Dawama Sdn Bhd’s (Dawama) Senior Sukuk Musyarakah of RM120.0 million and AIS for Dawama’s Junior Sukuk Musyarakah of RM20.0 million. The one-notch difference in ratings reflects the Senior Sukuk’s priority of repayment and redemption over the Junior Sukuk. The rating carries a stable outlook. The proceeds of the Sukuk will be used to redeem D...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download