Credit Analysis Reports
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
Popularity: 1098 views 45 downloads
Rating action           MARC Ratings has affirmed its public information sovereign rating of AAA/Stable on Malaysia, based on its national rating scale. Rationale    The rating reflects the country’s credit strengths, including a competitive and diversified economy that has maintained a relatively steady growth trajectory. For 2023, Malaysia...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1422 views 36 downloads
Rationale     MARC Ratings has affirmed its public information local currency sovereign rating of AAA/stable on Malaysia, based on its national sovereign rating scale.  Under this rating scale, the sovereign state of Malaysia carries the lowest relative risk for reasons that include its authority to tax and set interest rates.The rating reflects the country’s credit strengths...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1511 views 33 downloads
Rationale     MARC has affirmed its public information local currency sovereign rating of AAA/stable on Malaysia, based on its national sovereign rating scale.  Under this rating scale, the sovereign state of Malaysia carries the lowest relative risk for reasons that include its authority to tax and set interest rates.The rating reflects several credit strengths, including a co...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 2151 views 48 downloads
MARC has affirmed its public information foreign currency sovereign rating of AAA/stable on Malaysia, based on its national rating scale.  The AAA rating reflects several credit strengths, including a competitive and well diversified economy. It was, for example, positioned relatively high at number 27 in the 2019 edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 rankin...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1811 views 61 downloads
MARC has affirmed Malaysia’s sovereign rating of AAA with a stable outlook based on the agency’s national rating scale. The AAA rating reflects the resilience of the Malaysian economy, its effective monetary policy, as well as a healthy external position. Its rating strengths are, however, tempered by persistent fiscal deficits, high government debt and rising contingent liability, as well a...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1786 views 17 downloads
MARC has affirmed Malaysia’s sovereign rating of AAA with a stable outlook based on its national scale. The AAA rating reflects MARC’s opinion on the sovereign’s ability to meet its local currency obligations. It represents the sovereign’s ordinal ranking of creditworthiness within the country and excludes foreign currency transfer and convertibility risks. It is based solely on an analys...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1851 views 6 downloads
MARC has affirmed Malaysia’s sovereign rating of AAA with a stable outlook based on its national scale. The AAA rating reflects MARC’s opinion on the sovereign’s ability to meet its local currency obligations. It represents the sovereign’s ordinal ranking of creditworthiness within the country and excludes foreign currency transfer and convertibility risks. It is based solely on an analys...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 2040 views 26 downloads
MARC has affirmed Malaysia’s sovereign rating of AAA with a stable outlook based on its national scale. The AAA rating reflects MARC’s opinion on the sovereign’s ability to meet its local currency obligations. The rating of AAA represents the sovereign’s ordinal ranking of creditworthiness within the country and excludes foreign currency transfer and convertibility risks. ...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download
Popularity: 1963 views 44 downloads
MARC has assigned a national scale sovereign rating of ‘AAA’ to Malaysia with a stable outlook. The Malaysian national scale sovereign rating is essentially a local currency rating and does not capture foreign currency transfer and convertibility (T&C) risks. As the ‘AAA’ rating is the highest grade rating that can be assigned to any local or foreign domiciled ringgit M...

Normal Price: RM500.00       Subscriber Price: Free Download