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MARC Ratings has assigned a rating of AAIS to Cellco Capital Berhad’s (Cellco) RM130 million Islamic Medium-Term Notes (Issue 2) to be issued under its Sukuk Ijarah Programmes of up to RM1.0 billion. The rating outlook is stable. The RM130 million will be the second issuance under the Sukuk Ijarah Programmes after the RM520 million (Issue 1) in 2021 which also carries ratings of MARC-1IS/AAIS/St...
This article has been viewed 393 times.
MARC Ratings has affirmed its ratings of MARC-1IS /AAIS on Cellco Capital Berhad’s (Cellco) RM520 million Issue 1 issued under its Islamic Commercial Papers/Islamic Medium-Term Notes Programme (Sukuk Ijarah) with a combined limit of up to RM1.0 billion. The ratings outlook is stable. Cellco is a funding vehicle for its parent, Stealth Solutions Sdn Bhd, an independent tower company. I...
This article has been viewed 318 times.
MARC Ratings has affirmed its ratings of MARC-1IS /AAIS on Cellco Capital Berhad’s (Cellco) RM520 million Issue 1 issued under its Islamic Commercial Papers/Islamic Medium-Term Notes (Sukuk Ijarah Programme) with a combined limit of up to RM1.0 billion. The ratings outlook is stable. Cellco is a special-purpose entity set up to raise funds via the Sukuk Ijarah Programme for its parent...
This article has been viewed 473 times.
MARC has affirmed its ratings of MARC-1IS / AAIS to Cellco Capital Bhd's (Cellco) RM520 million issuance (Issue 1) under its Islamic Commercial Papers/Islamic Medium-Term Notes (Sukuk Ijarah Programme) with a combined limit of up to RM1.0 billion. The ratings outlook is stable.Cellco is a special-purpose entity that was set up to raise funds via the Sukuk Ijarah Programme for its parent, Ste...
This article has been viewed 614 times.
MARC has assigned preliminary ratings of MARC-1IS/AAIS to Cellco Capital Bhd’s (Cellco) proposed RM520 million issuance (Issue 1) under its Islamic Commercial Papers/Islamic Medium-Term Notes (Sukuk Ijarah Programme) with a combined limit of up to RM1.0 billion. The ratings outlook is stable.Cellco is a special-purpose entity set up to undertake the Sukuk Ijarah Programme for its parent, Stealth...
This article has been viewed 1366 times.