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MARC Ratings has affirmed its ratings on port operator Johor Port Berhad’s (JPB) Islamic Commercial Papers Programme and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme at MARC-1IS and AA-IS, and revised the outlook on the long-term rating to positive from stable. The programmes have a combined aggregate limit of RM1.0 billion and the current outstanding comprising entirely the IMTNs stands at RM600 ...
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MARC Ratings has affirmed its ratings of MARC-1IS/AA-IS on Johor Port Berhad’s (JPB) Islamic Commercial Papers (ICP) Programme and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) Programme with a combined limit of RM1.0 billion. The long-term rating carries a stable outlook. JPB operates Johor Port, a gateway port in Pasir Gudang, under a concession agreement expiring on March 23, 2055.The rating affirmation i...
This article has been viewed 319 times.
MARC Ratings has assigned final ratings of MARC-1IS/AA-IS to Johor Port Berhad’s (JPB) Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (ICP/IMTN) programmes with a combined aggregate limit of RM1.0 billion. The long-term rating carries a stable outlook.The rating agency has reviewed the final documentation for the programmes and is satisfied that the terms and conditions have not changed...
This article has been viewed 439 times.
MARC Ratings has assigned preliminary ratings of MARC-1IS/AA-IS to port operator Johor Port Berhad’s (JPB) Islamic Commercial Papers and Islamic Medium-Term Notes (ICP/IMTN) Programme with a combined limit of up to RM1.0 billion. The long-term rating carries a stable outlook. The company operates Johor Port, a gateway port in Pasir Gudang, under a concession agreement expiring on December 31, 20...
This article has been viewed 414 times.